
原來還有這招 - 移動"我的文件"目錄!

摘錄自: http://article.pchome.net/2003/07/14/10877.htm


在Windows 98中“我的文檔”的默認存儲位置是“C︰My Documents”,在Windows 2000/XP中“我的文檔”的默認存儲位置是“C︰Documents and Settings用戶名My Documents”。一般情況下C盤是開機片,為避免在系統崩潰時數據一並丟失,數據不宜存放在這個驅動器上;但如果要一一改變各應用軟體的默認存儲指向又過于麻煩,那么有沒有辦法讓“我的文檔”跟我走,移動到其它驅動器呢?


(作者︰ 薛永祥 電腦報)

禪說: Shit Happens!

摘錄自: http://www.csdn.net/develop/author/cxy/shithappen.shtm

Shit Happens!

不要用鄙夷的眼光看待這個標題。其實「Shit Happens」是個名言,而且還是個具有禪意的名言。 電影阿甘正傳(Forrest Gump)中,阿甘在跑步時踩到 shit,旁邊一位失意的商人問他對此事的看法,阿甘表情輕鬆地說︰「Shit Happens.」 ,這句話的意思是「人生偶而會有不順遂的事發生,沒什麼值得大驚小怪的」。這個商人于是將「SHIT HAPPENS」做成標語,結果大賣。 電影下一幕鏡頭出現一台后面貼有「SHIT HAPPENS」標語的汽車,飛來橫禍地被后面的另一台車子撞了……果真是「Shit Happens」。

「…… 這和本文章有什麼關係???」別急,繼續看下去吧﹗

Java 程式員對于例外處理機製(exception handling mechanism)應該都不陌生,因為 Java 語言強製程式員必須使用例外處理來捕捉(catch)非執行時期(non-runtime)的例外。所以你一定用過 try,catch,finally 這三個 Java 語言的關鍵詞,而且你也很有可能用過 throw 這個關鍵詞來將未處理的例外再轉出去給 call stack 的下一層 method。但是,你很有可能未曾主動 new 一個例外對象,然後將其丟出。你更有可能未曾定義過自己的例外類別。

在用 Java 設計中大型系統的時候,常常有必要定義自己的例外類別,並在適當時機主動地丟出例外。如此一來可以使得程式更穩固。


  • 如果此例外屬于 runtime 性質,且可以補救,則此例外繼承自 java.lang.RuntimeException。
  • 如果此例外不屬于 runtime 性質,且可以補救,則此例外繼承自 java.lang.Exception。
  • 如果此例外不可以補救,則此例外繼承自 java.lang.Error。

上述這三點完全是依照 Java 語言對于例外處理的建議,相當直覺,我也就不多解釋了。除此之外,我還定義了一個我常用的例外類別,叫做 Shit,其定義如下︰

package com.skittles; 

public class Shit extends RuntimeException { 

    private String whatHappened; 

    private Shit() {} 

    public Shit(String whatHappened) { 

        this.whatHappened = whatHappened; 


   public String toString() {    

       return whatHappened; 



在程式中,對于一些我認為絕對不可能會發生的情況,我會丟出 Shit,代表程式出現了絕對不應該發生的狀況。如果出現這個例外,表示程式內部有奇怪的錯誤。在測試程式時,如果 Shit Happens,我會去追查其源頭,將錯誤找出來訂正。

之所以讓 Shit 繼承自 RuntimeException,就是因為它應該不可能發生,將它定成 RuntimeException 可以使得程式不用去 catch 它。

在程式的撰寫與測試階段,Shit Happens 是免不了的。但是,在程式交給客戶或上線之后,就得確定程式正確無誤。No more shit happens.

連阿嬤都會喔: 使用netsh備份網路設置

摘錄自: http://article.pchome.net/2003/10/09/13349.htm


Windows 2000作業系統內置了一個本地或遠程計算機的命令行和腳本實用程式“NetSh”,我們可以利用它來備份網路屬性設置。

  1. 備份網路屬性

    點擊“開始”,在營運中輸入“cmd.exe”並返回,在隨后出現的命令提示符下鍵入“netsh interface ip dump > c: WorkStation1.txt”,將網路屬性設置備份在C盤的“WorkStation1.txt”文本文件中,其中的路徑,相對的、絕對的都可以,而且以上命令行還可以簡寫成“netsh in ip du > c: WorkStation1.txt”,同樣也能夠備份網路屬性設置。


      set address name = "本地連接" //LAN連接的名稱;
      source = static addr = //IP位址;
      mask = //子網掩碼
      set address name = "本地連接" gateway = gwmetric = 1 //默認通訊閘;
      set dns name = "本地連接" source = static addr = //首選DNS伺服器;
      add dns name = "本地連接" addr = //備用DNS伺服器;
      set wins name = "本地連接" source = static addr = none //WINS位址(none表示沒有設置WINS位址);


  2. 恢復網路屬性

    以“C:WorkStation1.txt”為例,在命令提示符下鍵入“netsh exec c:workstation1.txt”,命令營運完成后,網路屬性就變為wordStation1.txt中的配置了。如果將這些命令保存成批處理文件,操作起來更快捷,只要營運批處理的文件名就可以了,夠簡單吧﹗

(作者︰楊錦堆 )

好樣的: 重裝系統不麻煩!

摘錄自: http://article.pchome.net/2004/02/24/16998.htm

軟體名稱︰BackRex Easy Backup

大家都知道重裝系統是最麻煩的事情,因為重裝好后還要對軟體進行一些設置,如Outlook Express、Internet Explorer、Windows Media Player等程式,以方便我們的使用。如果能在重裝前將這些程式的設置都備份起來,等重新安裝系統后再進行恢復就行了。

BackRex Easy Backup可以輕鬆的備份Windows系統的軟體設置,我們可以用它備份Windows桌面、鼠標設定、聲音設定、離線瀏覽文件夾、OE郵件、IE等設置,下面我們就用它來進行資料的備份和還原吧。

  • 備份資料

    啟動軟體后點擊“下一步”,選擇“Back up”。接下來軟體會列出正在營運的程式,提示你關閉它們,因為這樣會影響數據的備份。然後選擇一個備份程式設置的文件夾,默認是在“我的文檔”裡面,而且我們還可以對備份資料進行壓縮和加密。在窗口中會顯示需要進行備份的程式和它們的一些設置,包括IE、OE、Windows Media Player、Office 等,點擊“下一步”后就開始備份程式的資料了。

    資料備份好后,BackRex Easy Backup會自動把程式本身也備份在備份文件夾裡,當程式出現錯誤的時候,可以直接還原,不需要重新安裝程式。

  • 還原資料

    當需要還原的時候,營運BackRex Easy Backup,在彈出的窗口中點擊“下一步”后選擇“Restore”,接著再找到備份資料的文件夾,一路點擊“下一步”就可以還原了。



Windows系統提供的終止行程的工具程式ntsd, tasklist, tskill



答1:殺進程很容易,隨便找個工具都行。比如IceSword。關鍵是找到這個進程的啟動模式,不然下次重啟它又出來了。順便教大家一招狠的。其實用Windows自帶的工具就能殺大部分進程︰ c:\>ntsd -c q -p PID

只有System、SMSS.EXE和CSRSS.EXE不能殺。前兩個是純內核態的,最後那個是Win32子系統,ntsd本身需要它。ntsd從2000開始就是系統自帶的用戶態調試工具。被調試器附著(attach)的進程會隨調試器一起退出,所以可以用來在命令行下終止進程。使用ntsd自動就獲得了debug權限,從而能殺掉大部分的進程。ntsd會新開一個調試窗口,本來在純命令行下無法控制,但如果只是簡單的命令,比如退出(q),用-c參數從命令行傳遞就行了。NtsdNtsd 按照慣例也向軟體開發人員提供。只有系統開發人員使用此命令。有關詳細訊息,請參閱 NTSD 中所附的幫助文件。用法:開個cmd.exe窗口,輸入︰

ntsd -c q -p PID


答2︰xp下還有兩個好東東tasklist和tskill。tasklist能列出所有的進程,和相應的訊息。tskill能查殺進程,語法很簡單︰tskill 程式名﹗﹗


Research: Peer-to-Peer Internet Telephony using SIP

PDF: Peer-to-Peer Internet Telephony using SIP

P2P systems inherently have high scalability, robustness and fault tolerance because there is no centralized server and the network self-organizes itself. This is achieved at the cost of higher latency for locating the resources of interest in the P2P overlay network. Internet telephony can be viewed as an application of P2P architecture where the participants form a self-organizing P2P overlay network to locate and communicate with other participants. We propose a pure P2P architecture for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)-based IP telephony systems. Our P2PSIP architecture supports basic user registration and call setup as well as advanced services such as offline message delivery, voice/video mails and multi-party conferencing. We also provide an overview of practical challenges for P2P-SIP such as firewall, Network Address Translator (NAT) traversal and security. (Keywords: System design, peer-to-peer, high availability, scalability, Internet telephony, SIP.)


Direct Web Remoting: Call server-side Java from JavaScript

URL: http://www.theserverside.com/news/thread.tss?thread_id=30520
Direct Web Remoting Home: http://dwr.dev.java.net/

DWR comes as a simple jar file and a few lines to add to your web.xml file to configure the remoted classes. In a web page you add a couple of <script> tags to indicate which classes you wish to import and can then call your Java code directly from Javascript. More detailed instructions are available on the DWR site.

The Javascript works by dynamically creating an iframe through which it calls the DWR servlet with instructions about what Java code to call. The DWR servlet marshalls the parameters, calls the server-side Java code and returns the reply to the iframe, which triggers an onload, which returns the reply to the calling Javascript.


Bookmark: Atheros Communications Total 802.11? Product Search


Search through a variety of customer products with integrated Atheros WLAN chipset technology.

Bookmark: MADWiFi - Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi

URL: http://madwifi.sourceforge.net/

MADWiFi is short for Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi. In other words: this project provides a Linux kernel driver for Atheros-based Wireless LAN devices. The driver works such that your WLAN card will appear as normal network interface in the system. Additionally there is support for the Wireless Extensions API. This allows you to configure the device using the usual tools (ifconfig, iwconfig and friends).

Some of the driver´s key features are:

  • Allows operation as station, AP, ad-hoc, monitor. WDS is work in progress.
  • Supports Wireless Extensions API.
  • One driver for miniPCI and cardbus devices.
  • Most of the current Atheros WLAN chipsets are supported.
  • Supports WEP and WPA/802.11i.
  • Support for 802.1x authentication in AP mode.

Bookmark: Integrating Macromedia Flex with Java

URL: http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/.../flexjava.html

Developing Internet applications with J2EE servers today usually consists of a presentation layer such as Struts, Tapestry, WebWork, or Spring. These tools generally follow Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and output HTML to a browser. The typical programming model for web development is to allow users to issue requests to an application server for each action in the application. For every action the user requests in the application, the server generates a new response that allows the user to submit a new request for more information. A browser typically is used to render the user interface to the user. However, browsers are thin clients with limitations that affect both development and the end-user experience.

Bookmark: BlueZ - Official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack

URL: http://www.bluez.org/

The overall goal of this project is to make an implementation of the Bluetooth wireless standards specifications for Linux. The code is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and is now included in the Linux 2.4 and Linux 2.6 kernel series.

Bookmark: PuTTY for Symbian OS

URL: http://s2putty.sourceforge.net/

PuTTY is a free SSH client developed by Simon Tatham and others. This page contains a port to the Symbian OS, with support for Series 60 (Nokia 3650, 6600, and N-Gage) and Nokia 9200 Communicator series (Nokia 9210, 9210i, and 9290). The current version contains SSH protocol support, terminal emulation, and a basic user interface. More documentation is available in the distribution.

Bookmark: bemused.sf.net | Bemused Homepage

URL: http://bemused.sourceforge.net/

Bemused is a system which allows you to control your music collection from your phone, using Bluetooth. It requires a Series 60 or UIQ phone (e.g. Nokia 7650/3650, or Sony Ericsson P800), and a PC with a Bluetooth adapter.

You can do the following with Bemused:

  • Browse your music collection on your phone
  • Play files in any format supported by Winamp - including MP3s, CDs, MIDIs, etc.
  • Control Winamp versions 2, 3 and 5, Windows Media Player and PowerPoint Viewer
  • Pause, stop, rewind, fast-forward etc.
  • Add songs to the playlist and use shuffle and repeat
  • Browse and select songs in your playlist
  • Download songs to your phone (supported formats: WAV and MIDI; plus MP3 for UIQ)
  • Customise the look of the system with skins
Best of all, Bemused is completely free software, released under the GNU General Public License.

Please note that Bemused does not support the Sony Ericsson T610, and will not do so in the future. It only runs on phones based on Symbian OS.

Rafe's Blog: Series 60 Freeware


One of the major killer features of smartphones is the ability to add third party programs. Doing this can add features and entertainment value. Series 60 as a platform has a lot of software available. However one of the major complaints I hear is there is not enough freeware. This always suprises me for two reasons - firstly what's the problem with paying for software - most of the time it's less than £15 and if you spent £100's on a phone that's not too much to ask - and secondly there is freeware available. Part of the trouble is by it's very nature it is more difficult to track down - partly because the authors don't feel the need to promote it so much and partly because it often doesn't get listed on the major shop sites like Handango. So without further ado here is some of the freeware I use on my Series 60 phone - this isn't a comprehensive list, but it should give you an idea to what's available and with a bit of luck you will discover something you didn't know about...


Note: Fedora Core 3 Release Notes中關於編譯核心方面的變動


  • In the past, the process of updating the kernel did not change the default kernel in the system's boot loader configuration.

    Fedora Core 3 changes this behavior to set newly-installed kernels as the default. This behavior applies to all installation methods (including rpm -i).

    This behavior is controlled by two lines in the /etc/sysconfig/kernel file:

    • UPGRADEDEFAULT �� Controls whether new kernels will be booted by default (default value: yes)

    • DEFAULTKERNEL �� kernel RPMs whose names match this value will be booted by default (default value: depends on hardware configuration)

  • In order to eliminate the redundancy inherent in providing a separate package for the kernel source code when that source code already exists in the kernel's .src.rpm file, Fedora Core 3 no longer includes the kernel-source package. Users that require access to the kernel sources can find them in the kernel .src.rpm file. To create an exploded source tree from this file, perform the following steps (note that <version> refers to the version specification for your currently-running kernel):

    1. Obtain the kernel-<version>.src.rpm file from one of the following sources:

      • The SRPMS directory on the appropriate "SRPMS" CD iso image

      • The FTP site where you got the kernel package

      • By running the following command:

        up2date --get-source kernel

    2. Install kernel-<version>.src.rpm (given the default RPM configuration, the files this package contains will be written to /usr/src/redhat/)

    3. Change directory to /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/, and issue the following command:

      rpmbuild -bp --target=<arch> kernel.spec

      (Where <arch> is the desired target architecture.)

      On a default RPM configuration, the kernel tree will be located in /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/.

    4. In resulting tree, the configurations for the specific kernels shipped in Fedora Core 3 are in the /configs/ directory. For example, the i686 SMP configuration file is named /configs/kernel-<version>-i686-smp.config. Issue the following command to place the desired configuration file in the proper place for building:

      cp <desired-file> ./.config

    5. Issue the following command:

      make oldconfig

    You can then proceed as usual.


    An exploded source tree is not required to build kernel modules against the currently in-use kernel.

    For example, to build the foo.ko module, create the following file (named Makefile) in the directory containing the foo.c file:

    obj-m    := foo.o
    KDIR    := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
    PWD    := $(shell pwd)
       $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules

    Issue the make command to build the foo.ko module.

  • I2O SCSI RAID adapters from manufacturers such as Adaptec now use the i2o_block driver, rather than the dpt_i2o driver used by Fedora Core 1 and earlier distributions.

    Be aware that block devices used by the i2o_block driver are /dev/i2o/hd* rather than the /dev/sd* SCSI devices. This may be problematic for those upgrading from older distributions that used the dpt_i2o driver. Therefore, after an upgrade to Fedora Core 3, you may need to boot using a rescue disk and edit your /etc/fstab file to use the new devices.

    For more information about the new I2O device layer and Fedora Core-specific notes, visit the I2O homepage:


Bookmark: Thunderbird - reclaim your inbox!

URL: http://moztw.org/thunderbird/

Thunderbird 是 Mozilla 新生代的郵件管理程式。 使用 Thunderbird 可以幫助你快速而安全的處理郵件,操作非常簡單, 還內建了最先進的智慧型廣告信自動偵測引擎、拼字檢查工具、......

Thunderbird 設計的目標是全面提昇效能, 所以它可以幫助你輕易的完成工作, 不用被討厭的廣告與垃圾信騷擾。 改用 Thunderbird 可以讓使用 E-Mail 的過程既有效又方便。

跟廣告信說「不」的好方法: Thunderbird 提供了最有效的方式來偵測垃圾信。 它會自動分析你的郵件,並判斷哪些是廣告。 你可以設定自動刪除這些垃圾信,或是放到某個信件夾再慢慢檢視。

照你的習慣讀取郵件: 照你喜歡的方式讀 email。 Thunderbird 提供了新式的三欄畫面,同時也可以自訂工具列、 變更佈景主題,或快速排序你的信件。

安全又迅速: Thunderbird 提供企業或政府級的安全需求如 S/MIME、數位簽章、郵件編碼,支援憑證與安全裝置。

完整而豐富的功能: Thunderbird 提供 IMAP/POP 的支援, 還有 HTML 郵件、標籤、快速搜尋、 自動通訊錄、回函通知、郵件分析引擎、 LDAP 位址補完、 匯入工具、強大的搜尋工具, 還可以管理多重 email 或 News 的帳號。

無窮的擴充: Thunderbird 可以用加裝「擴充套件」的方式來加強功能。 安裝這些套件後,你可以打造出符合自己需求的環境。


Prism GT / Prism Duette / Prism Indigo prism54 Linux device driver

Prism GT / Prism Duette / Prism Indigo prism54 Linux device driver: http://prism54.org Prism54.org Forums: http://prism54.org/forums/ 這個網站有很多關於Prism 802.11g的資訊.


NdisWrapper: "Some vendors do not release specifications of the hardware or provide a linux driver for their wireless network cards. This project provides a linux kernel module that loads and runs Ndis (Windows network driver API) drivers supplied by the vendors."

Bookmark: Jun Sun's mini-HOWTO on flashing Intersil Prism chipsets

I have been following hostap linux driver development, and often got frustrated by the broken pieces information about upgrading flash firmware. I am documenting what I have found out here in this page.

This page only covers firmware upgrade on flash. It is possible to download firmware to the RAM after system boots up with so-called RAM firmware downloading. That is not covered here.

There are four possible ways to update flash firmware:

  1. Window-based upgrade with WinUpdate.exe program
  2. Linux-based upgrade with prism2_srec program that is part of hostap utils.
  3. Linux-based upgrade with prism2dl program, (which was part of linux-wlan project?)
  4. DOS-based upgrade.

This page only covers 1) and 2).

Raffaele Raf described DOS-based flashing experience in his "success story" series. (Thanks to Elias Tsigoyannis, you can read the file in pdf format) Here you can also find the original, my hand-edited raw text version.

Wim Osterhold forwarded an email to me that describes some DOS-based flashing experience. It looks cryptic to me, but may be useful to desparate souls.

Here is the link to an old binary for prism2dl on Linux/i386 machines. Pavel Roskin put slightly improved version of prism2dl at http://www.red-bean.com/~proski/prism2dl/. According to him, "It should be easier to use, but it's not _safer_ to use than the original version. In particular, it still allows flashing firmware intended for RAM download."

Earl has put up a note that describes using a bootable openap-ct floppy to do 2)-style upgrade. See the page at here. I have not tried it, but it sounds like a very attractive idea.

Note that this page only talks about upgrading primary firmware and station (secondary) firmware. URL: Jun Sun's mini-HOWTO on flashing Intersil Prism chipsets: http://linux.junsun.net/intersil-prism/