
OpenWRT進階設定 - DNS Server

OpenWRT本身預設使用dnsmasq作為dns proxy, 其實dnsmasq除了可以將query request轉送給真正的dns server之外, 它也可以讀取/etc/hosts或指定的檔案中的設定, 並將結果回覆給client, 所以dnsmasq非常適合最為一個小型區域網路中的dns server, 而且不管是正向或反向查詢都可正常運作, 做法如下, 請編輯/etc/init.d/S50dnsmasq, 輸入以下內容,

    dnsmasq --domain=$(nvram get dhcp_domain)

上面的敘述中, 我們從nvram變數dhcp_domain讀取domain的名稱, 這麼做的目的是為了可以查詢如server1.alphalab.org之類的名稱(假設我們的domain叫做alphalab.org), 所以我們必須把domain的名稱寫到nvram中,

    root@wrt54gs:~# nvram set dhcp_domain=alphalab.org root@wrt54gs:~# nvram commit

接著我們可以開始加入電腦名稱到/etc/hosts中, localhost wrt54gs.alphalab.org wrt54gs x255.alphalab.org x255 x230.alphalab.org x230


OpenWRT進階設定 - DHCP Server

Openwrt預設安裝的dhcp server是dnsmasq, dnsmasq基本上是一個小型的domain name server但也同時提供dhcp server的功能, 又小又好用, 功能也不少, 實在沒什麼好挑剔的, 不過剛好我的環境中需架設PXE Server, 需要dhcp server, 偏偏dnsmasq不提供指向tftp server的功能, 可是同一lan中同時有兩個dhcp server會很麻煩, 分開兩個lan也是麻煩, 所以一直很想使用功能較完整的dhcp server來取代dnsmasq的dhcp功能, 首先下載我們需要的dhcp server, 可以在這裡http://openwrt.alphacore.net/ 找到,

    root@wrt54gs:~# wget \


    root@wrt54gs:~# ipkg install dhcpd_3.0.1_mipsel.ipk

安裝好後, 還需要撰寫/etc/dhcpd.conf, 內容大致如下,

    default-lease-time 7776000;
    max-lease-time 7776000;
    ddns-update-style none;
    server-name drbl;
    option routers;
    option domain-name "alphalab.org";
    option domain-name-servers;
    option subnet-mask;
    option broadcast-address;

    filename = "pxelinux.0";

    subnet netmask {
      host p5020 {
        hardware ethernet 00:0B:5D:24:20:63;

因為dhcpd執行的時候需要dhcpd.leases檔案存在, 所以我們先產生一個空的給他,

    root@wrt54gs:~# echo "" > /etc/dhcpd.leases

接下來撰寫啟動腳本, 我們將dhcpd的啟動放在dnsmasq之後, 請建立一個檔案/etc/init.d/S51dhcpd, 內容如下,

    /usr/sbin/dhcpd -lf /etc/dhcpd.leases br0

為了不與dnsmasq的dhcp server衝突, 我們必須關閉dnsmasq的dhcp功能, 請修改/etc/init.d/S50dnsmasq如下,



夭壽喔 - Creating an XP Pro VM for the free VMware Player

VMware最近推出了一個免費的VMware Player, 讓你可以免費執行VMware Workstation, GSX, ESX等軟體建立出來的虛擬機器, 但是如果你沒有這些需付費的軟體該怎麼辦? 別擔心, 這篇文章交你怎麼使用免費的QEMU來製作可讓VMware Player執行的VM喔, 真是夭壽好用咧!

URL: http://johnbokma.com/.../vmware-player-windows-xp.html

How to build MapFS from source

Build the MapFS from source


  • cd /tmp
  • tar zxvf mapfs-1.0-0.1035.tar.gz
  • cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
  • make SUBDIRS=/tmp/mapfs-1.0-0.1035 modules
  • cd kernel/fs
  • mkdir mapfs
  • cp /tmp/mapfs-1.0-0.1035 modules/mapfs.ko mapfs
  • chmod 744 mapfs/mapfs.ko
  • depmod
  • Okay!

至於如何載入就比較傷腦筋了, 因為有幾個相關了kernel symbols需要設定, 找了半天卻找不到相關文件解釋如何設定, 網路上又好像沒什麼人在用這東西, 不過還好, 最後還是在它的mailing list中看到一篇文章有提到載入的方式, 我只有改了一下路徑

  • 建立一個script檔案loadmapfs內容如下
    mapfsargs=$(for ksym in $(strings /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/fs/mapfs/mapfs.ko | awk '/from System.map/ {match($0,"^parm=([^:]+):",a); print a[1];}'); do sym=${ksym#ksym_}; addr=$(awk '/ '$sym'$/ {print $1}' /boot/System.map-$(uname -r)); echo " $ksym=0x$addr "; done)
    modprobe mapfs $mapfsargs
  • 執行./loadmapfs即可


記起來 - MapFS

MapFS implements a Linux filesystem which utilizes copy-on-write functionality and existing Linux filesystems to allow component filesystems (or portions thereof) to be combined into a single virtual filesystem that appears to be fully writable. It is written in C, uses the standard Linux kernel VFS and loadable module interfaces for defining new filesystem types to the kernel, and supports (at least) kernel versions 2.4.7 to 2.6.13.

URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mapfs

記起來 - UnionFS - A Stackable Unification File System

This project builds a stackable unification file system, which can appear to merge the contents of several directories (branches), while keeping their physical content separate. Unionfs is useful for unified source tree management, merged contents of split CD-ROM, merged separate software package directories, data grids, and more. Unionfs allows any mix of read-only and read-write branches, as well as insertion and deletion of branches anywhere in the fan-out. To maintain unix semantics, Unionfs handles elimination of duplicates, partial-error conditions, and more. Unionfs is part of the larger FiST project.

URL: http://www.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu/project-unionfs.html



什麼是roomba? 簡單講他是個會到處跑的吸塵器, 可是如果以為就這麼簡單, 那就太委屈他了, 其實它應該算是個不折不扣的機器人! 別小看它, 人家可是系出名門呢 - 麻省理工(MIT), 其實注意roomba也好一段時間了, 上禮拜突然在網路上看到在賣, 猶豫幾天之後還是給他刷了一台回來, 不出幾天, roomba就在我家出現了!



掛網掛到精神不濟時, 突然幾句話閃過眼角...

    人生就像大便 一旦沖走了就不會再回來
    人生就像大便 怎麼拉就是那模樣,但每次又不太一樣
    人生就像大便 有時候拉的很爽,有時候卻拉的很難過
    人生就像大便 你永遠不知道會拉出個什麼東東
    人生就像大便 想要怎麼結果,就要先怎麼栽
    人生就像大便 隨時都可能突然地想..嗯嗯
    人生就像大便 往往努力了半天卻只迸出幾個屁
    人生就像大便 就算點綴得再漂亮,其本質還是一樣
    人生就像大便 只有自己默默的勇敢面對
    人生就像大便 有青才敢大聲



OpenWRT之外的選擇 - openwrt.alphacore.net

無意中發現除了OpenWRT.org之外, 另一個擁有許多OpenWRT軟體的網站: openwrt.alphacore.net, 這裡有一些OpenWRT.org所沒有的軟體, 像dhcpd以及bind!

URL: http://openwrt.alphacore.net/


在Linksys WRT54GS裡安裝OpenVPN

我這台Linksys WRT54GS買來已經超過一年了, 雖然當初就是因為它可以安裝Linux, 所以才託朋友從國外帶回來, 結果到手之後卻沒時間好好研究一下, 只有偷懶去下載了Sveasoft的firmware回來過過乾癮, 其實Sveasoft的firmware寫的不錯, 把很多功能全做在firmware裡面, 可是跟OpenWRT比起來, OpenWRT還是比較自由一點, 而且Sveasoft雖然有免費的firmware, 但功能少了點, 比較強的firmware其實是要收費的, 所以整體來說, "啟毛"就是差了一點。最近閒來無事再逛網站的時候, 逛到了OpenWRT, 發現OpenWRT好像比以前改進了很多, 軟體多了, 文件也比以前完整, 各方面都有令人驚喜的進步, 所以花了點時間把以前一直沒時間裝的VPN裝起來看看, 如果可以在這麼小的AP裡放下這麼完整的功能, 那就可以把我現在用老PC裝組成的VPN網路慢慢用這些AP取代, 因為PC再穩還是會掛點, 尤其是硬碟, 超會出包, 每次gateway的硬碟一嗝屁, 家裡的Notes Server就連不上, 關心電話就會馬上響起, 真是傷腦筋, 如果換成無線AP, 硬碟的問題就沒了, 家裡的電費也可以省不少, 實在是個一舉多得的solution!

OpenWRT目前最新的版本是whiterussian rc4, 裝起來的感覺還不錯用, 基本核心約1.5M, 足以提供市售防火牆與無線AP的大部分功能, 另外還有許多packages可以安裝, 以提供其他強大的功能。值得讚賞的是在rc4這個版本裡新加入了web的管理介面, 雖然功能還很基本, 但是個不錯的開始。

其實OpenWRT裝進去之後, 這台WRT54GS活生生就是一台超小的Linux Box, 沒看到實體還真的分不出來跟裝在PC裡的Linux有什麼不同, 真是太神奇了, 安裝過程還算順利, 類似一般Linux的操作方式, 必要的packages裝一裝, openvpn的設定檔完全不用改就可以用, 再來就是在/etc/firewall.user裡面加入forward敘述, 讓封包可以在vpn通道與local lan互相傳遞就算大功告成。


Cygwin NFS Server HOWTO

This document shows how to install a minimal Cygwin enviroment to host an NFS server. I wrote this up to help windows users who are not familiar with Linux conventions so the fussy details are all presented.

If you're using Windows XP, be sure to check out the last sections on firewall and network device problems before you try testing your configuration.

URL: http://www.csparks.com/CygwinNFS/index.xml


ITE 8211F ATA-133安裝技巧

買了三片ITE 8211F的IDE卡, 結果發現驅動程式光碟只有Redhat9之前的driver, 真是香蕉牛奶咧, 誰還在用RH9阿, 2.6.x的driver還要自己編譯, 可是如果編譯可以的話, 勉強原諒彼好了, 結果不出所料, 真的不能編譯! 又來一個香蕉牛奶! 搞了半天, 原來彼driver還需要scsi driver裡面的幾個header files, 真是忍不住想罵髒話...彼不講, 誰知道啊, 好吧, 那就把需要header files準備好後, 想說應該沒問題了...make...兩秒鐘後...還是香蕉牛奶...他媽的爛聯陽, 出的什麼爛卡, 寫這是什麼爛driver啊, 居然有巨集沒定義! 看了半天之後發現這兩個巨集應該沒有影響, 就把它拿掉在make看看...喔! 天啊真是謝天謝地終於產生ko檔了! 有時真搞不懂這些寫driver的人, 也不知道是想留一手還是怎樣, 幹麻不把東西做好一點, 檔案一次就給完整不就好了, 缺東缺西, 程式還有問題, 還要使用者幫彼君擦屁股, 彼公司不但花錢請你來寫driver, 我們這些可憐的消費者可也是付出我們的血汗錢買你們東西, 怎知發現是爛貨, 真的是很衰...

我的OS是CentOS 4, 核心為2.6.9-5.0.3.EL, 首先kernel source要橋好, 我使用的是dvd iso檔中的kernel-sourcecode-2.6.9-5.0.3.EL.rpm

  • rpm -ivh kernel-sourcecode-2.6.9-5.0.3.EL.rpm
  • cd /usr/src/linux-2.6.9-5.0.3.EL
  • cp configs/kernel-2.6.9-i686.config ./.config
  • make oldconfig
  • make --> 這個make如果有錯也沒關係, 只要我們需要的header files有自動產生就可以了

然後是編譯kernel module, 以下是簡易步驟:

  • cd ~
  • mkdir ITERaid
  • cd ITERaid
  • unzip <PATH TO YOUR DOWNLOAD DIRECTORY>/LinuxDriver_it8211_093001-03.zip
  • perl -p -i -e 's/2.6.1/2.6.9-5.0.3.EL/' Makefile
  • perl -p -i -e 's/MOD_INC_USE_COUNT\;/\/\* MOD_INC_USE_COUNT\; \*\//' iteraid.c
  • perl -p -i -e 's/MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT\;/\/\* MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT\; \*\//' iteraid.c
  • cp -a /usr/src/linux-2.6.9-5.0.3.EL/drivers/scsi/{scsi, hosts, scsi_obsolete, scsi_typedefs}.h /usr/src/linux-2.6.9-5.0.3.EL/drivers/scsi/scsi_module.c .
  • make
  • install -m 644 iteraid.ko /lib/modules/2.6.9-5.0.3.EL/kernel/drivers/scsi/
  • depmod -a



JavaSVN is a pure Java Subversion client library. You would like to use JavaSVN when you need to access or modify Subversion repository from your Java application, be it a standalone program, plugin or web application. Being a pure Java program, JavaSVN doesn't need any additional configuration or native binaries to work on any OS that runs Java. On this site you will also find instructions on how to make existing programs use JavaSVN instead of native javahl bindings. * No external binaries or libraries are needed to work with Subversion repository. * JavaSVN supports http, https, svn and svn+ssh connection protocols. * Low level API allows effective direct Subversion repository access. * JavaSVN is compatible with applications that already use native javahl bindings. http://tmate.org/svn/

















黑卡試拍 右邊燈光過度曝光了 右邊測光... 左邊側光... 第一次試拍, 好像遮太久了... 再試一次, 嗯似乎好一點.


Discovery: FullSync

FullSync is a universal file synchronization and backup tool which is highly customizable and expandable. It is especially for developers, but the basic functionality is easy enough for everyone.

  • Publication and update of websites, synchronization of local directories and making backups of your data.
  • Configuration and rule-rewriting per directory possible
  • Flexible rules, allowing all kinds of exclusion/inclusion
  • Buffered filesystems (so the tool only sees files it created itself)
  • Multiple protocols supported (FTP,SFTP,SMB...)
  • Read/write access bufferable and multithreadable
URL: http://fullsync.sourceforge.net/

Discovery: KaVoom! Software KVM Switch

Kavoom! KVM is like a hardware KVM switch except that the "switch" appears on your monitor, and you use the mouse to select which computer to operate.

No hardware is needed so there are no power cords or cables to connect. All that's needed is your existing network connection between the computers.

URL: http://www.kavoom.biz/


用Canon 20D拍風景

風景畫面要求描寫細緻入微,用膠卷拍攝宜用微粒、低感光度膠卷,也可用描寫力高、色彩還原鮮艷的膠卷。這些 要求同樣適用於數位單反,也就是說,數位單反的像素數和圖像處理能力是拍攝風景重要的性能。現在很多數位單反已達到600萬-800萬像素,描寫力有很大 提高,因此用數位單反拍攝風景的發燒友已不在少數。


針對這一系列問題,日本攝影家工藤智道用佳能ESO 20D進行了實拍測試,根據測試結果提出了正確使用該機的方法。現譯出供讀者參考。


日光型膠卷在陽光條件下拍攝色彩還原正常,如果是多雲的話,色彩還原則偏藍色調。拍攝風景時可利用這一特點靈活表現特定景色。在上述兩種條件下,20D的 表現能力與日光型膠卷基本相同,設定陽光模式時畫面效果和日光型膠卷一樣,多雲時雖然畫面也偏藍色調,但比日光型膠卷稍顯濃艷(圖1上和圖1下)。


一般攝影及拍攝水流等場面時可將20D設定到最低感光度。該機最低感光度是ISO100,尼康D70是ISO200,比較起來比後者方便不少。如果只拍凝 固水流的照片,可臨時把感光度設定在高感光度。圖2上圖是用ISO100、1/80秒拍攝水流的效果;下圖是用ISO800、1/640秒拍攝的效果,在 高感光度、高速快門條件下捕捉了水流的動態瞬間。


數位影像雖然能在電腦上用圖像處理軟體對色彩還原和銳度進行調整,但對解像感(指解像力成像的畫面整體直觀效果)卻不能調整。風景中許多需要表現的細微局 部,20D能完美地表現這些細節。圖3是用RAW格式拍攝的畫面,銳度令人讚嘆不已。圖4是對畫面方框部分放大的圖像,畫面中的花卉是一種稱為"曼珠沙 華"的群生花卉,其花瓣是細長形的,不用說數位單反,就連膠卷也很難拍攝好。但從放大的圖像來看,20D對細長的花瓣表現入微,足見820萬像素解像力的 威力。








20D本身的反差和參數等項目一樣也稍低一些,其原因是該機用戶定位是以重視被攝體真實色還原為主的高級發燒友和專業攝影家。用20D拍攝風景時要獲得與 高反差膠卷相同效果的話,必須把反差設定得高一點。因此,晴天要提高1檔、陰天要提高2檔。另外,拍攝雪景和黑色岩石等被攝體時由於被攝體本身反差各有不 同,拍攝時要靈活調整。





RAW格式能對風景細節部分描寫入微,且效果比JPEG格式強得多。拍攝時用RAW格式雖然設定參數、白平衡等操作比較麻煩,但後期在電腦上能方便地一邊 確認圖像細節部分,一邊進行調整,操作比較方便。因此,拍攝時還是用RAW格式比較合算。特別是用JPEG格式不能很好地表現風景細節部分時,建議最好利 用20D可同時用RAW+JPEG格式存儲圖像的優點來存儲圖像,這樣比較可靠。

●工藤智道用EOS 20D拍攝風景時的設定方法

存儲格式:RAW+JPEG 參數:設定2 反差:0到+2(根據天氣調整)

銳度:+1到+2 色濃度:+1到+2 色調:±0

白平衡:陽光 感光度:ISO100


擁有佳能EOS 20D的讀者如參考上述內容,一定能拍出圖像品質高超、優秀的風景作品。



攝影之奧秒,就是它包含了很多元素,您可把它看待成一種藝術,同時也是一種科學,用相機去創作,某程度上跟畫家用油彩畫筆 創作一樣,但攝影卻又很重視器材的攝影師必須了解相機和鏡頭的特點。可是,正因為攝影那麼的博大精深,涉及的元素又多,不少人都會對之產生很多誤解和謬 見,有不少初學攝影的朋友更不知不覺被誤導了。因此,我們特地炮製了這篇文章,與大家一同分享一些常常被人誤解的攝影問題。


有 些拍友,當使用某鏡頭拍攝時,會發覺所拍攝出來的影像有很高的反差(一般稱為較「硬」),又或者看起來很鮮明,便衝口而出說某某鏡頭 解像一流。一旦看反 差弱的照片時(即常稱作為較柔時),便聲聲道鏡頭解像不良。這一種說法,似乎有點武斷,其實解像度和反差是兩樣東西來的,不應一概而論,當然又有些相關的 地方。

甚麼是解像度?解像度(Resolution)其實是經過一些標準的測驗得來的數據,是利用一張黑白的線條圖表,在 不同的光圈下用鏡頭 拍攝,然而最標準的 數據理應是由機器讀出,但某些雜誌或試驗所用膠片顯像作人眼判斷,這似乎會帶有一些客觀因素,如膠片的處理過程或人眼的限制等,但一般都可接受,因為至少 可找出同一支鏡頭在不同情況下(不同光圈或焦距)的解像表現,毋須與其他鏡頭比較便成。一般來說,越能在同一範圍分析出越多線條的數目就越有解像力,即是 較銳利的鏡頭。甚麼是反差?反差(Contrast)雖不代表解像度,但也不無關係,但不能說反差高,解像便高。反差其實是指鏡頭將暗位層次表達的能力, 一個影像必須有光和暗兩個對比,反差高是指光與暗之間明顯分隔,而中間可能沒有太多漸層(gradation);而反差低則指光與暗之間不夠明顯或不夠鮮 明,但有較多的層次,看起來可能會使人覺得較呆板。對於彩色或黑白的影像,反差的定義也是一樣的。一般人誤會反差高是好的,沒錯,反差高確是較鮮明和調子 輕快,但是沒有豐富的層次,剛才的高解像度便失去了意義,令整體的仔細表現會有阻礙。惟反差確是很主觀的東西,未必有一個標準,但具體上一支全面一點的鏡 頭會較受歡迎,何況現今的膠片也有很好的反差及層次,也有不同的選擇,如專為拍人像而設的,又有專為還原準確色彩而設的膠片,拍友們也毋須太過盲目追求。


每 當買新鏡頭時,都會考慮買一塊保護鏡頭的濾鏡,一般1B SKYLIGHT和UV兩種,前者比後者昂貴,有人說UV只是一塊玻璃,而1B拍人像會靚些又或者拍攝的色彩會準確些,所以會偏選1B,但這種說法似乎並 不太合適。 1B skylight濾鏡正式來說是一塊有顏色的顏色濾鏡,是其中一塊標準化的矯色濾鏡,可隔除360nm或以下的光波(屬於較藍色的光線至UV),並同時可 輕度吸收約550nm的光波(即綠色光線),總括是用作減輕於山區或海邊拍攝時的偏藍現象和樹葉的綠色反光,在綠油油草地上拍攝人像就可能用得著。可是, 在直接的陽光下拍攝,這塊1B濾鏡是全廢武功,換句話說,也僅是一塊玻璃。

UV濾鏡則是用來隔除肉眼看不見的紫外光,因此 在色彩上(一般彩色膠片乳膜上根本無法對UV顯現色彩)是全無影響,但據廠方的建議,它 的最大作用是將拍攝 無限遠的模糊情況改善,但老實說,天氣才是最終決定因素,要是空氣中塵粒多或濕度高,加多少塊UV也是徒然的。既然是這樣,甚麼濾鏡都不加又是否最好呢? 對的,光學上是絕對是好的,因為加上了一塊玻璃,可能會弄巧反拙,但這又未必可以由肉眼察覺得到,再仔細衡量之下,買一片玻璃保護前組鏡片,似乎比起一丁 點兒的光學損失來得重要。但是1B還是UV,那就悉隨尊便。但花錢買一塊有多層涂膜的UV已很足夠了,既可保護鏡頭,又可減少光學的損失,較為值得。


有 一些拍友常有一錯覺,以為專業膠片的影像質素一定比業餘膠片好,但往往發覺事實又不是那麼明顯,就歸究所用的相機、鏡頭、測光表等等 不夠好,甚至是自 己,這看來有點可憐。專業膠片確有比業餘膠片優勝的地方,但不代表業餘膠片一定是差些,其實我們只想道出專業膠片是專為專業攝影師而設,要用得它們出色, 辦法很簡單,學學怎樣去當一個專業攝影師便行了,所需要的不一定是專業器材,反而是技巧,尤其是處理膠片的技巧。各位不妨去嘗試買些專業幻燈片來試用,您 會發覺陳列的地方都會有一個雪櫃,再留心膠片上的說明,除了使用限期外,還有一個建議儲存溫度,一般約為十二、三度。專業膠片靚在夠新鮮,若能在保存時依 足所建議的環境,膠片會得到預期的效果,但隨意處理膠片,一時又到甲店,一時又到乙店衝曬,敢保證每次沒有不同的色彩表現才怪哩。當然,還有很多處理膠片 的方法,例如曝光因素、倒易率等,或可參考說明書的指示。 業餘膠片就不同了,除了expire date外,也沒有其他的指示了,而一般都有較長較穩定的儲存期,而且寬容度高,對一般用家來說似乎較為可靠。


有 不少中外攝影書籍也曾提及過X同步快門這東西,甚至有最快閃光同步快門這一名詞。但有不少初學攝影的朋友誤解以為閃燈拍攝時要硬性使 用某一檔快門。其 實,所謂閃光同步快門或最快閃光同步快門是泛指可作閃光拍攝的快門,最快的意思是在那快門速度以上的快門不能作閃光同步,否則會拍不到全格膠片清晰的影 像,這問題是存在於鏡後快門的相機上,而每部相機都有獨立的設計,故最高同步快門都不是全部一樣的。使用閃光燈時,只要在最高同步快門下任何一檔,均可拍 攝到有閃燈效果的照片,只是快門越慢,現場光之曝光時間較長而己。舉例在室內拍攝,若以最高同步快門閃光拍攝,背景未必可有足夠曝光,這使主體前景雪白光 亮,而後景則昏暗漆黑;若以慢快門(甚至便攝機中所謂Slow Sync或夜景人像模式等)同步閃光拍攝,便能獲得較具現場氣氛的照片。除此之外,利用較慢快門時,甚至可選擇前或後簾的同步閃光,你可調較快門一開啟便 閃光,又可以在快門關閉前閃光,均可創造特別的拍攝效果。


微 距鏡是專為拍攝極近距而設的,但有人說它於正常拍攝時會有質素的下降或迷信只能用在翻拍或微距拍攝用途上。其實,根據一些光學測試, 無論是以1:1或 1:2和1:50比例拍攝時,微距鏡頭的解像在大部份光圈下都有極優異的表現;而1:49或1:50時的測試,解像度比其他同等焦距的非微距鏡頭高很多。 然而微距鏡頭最大的問題是對焦設計是專為近距而設的,故此在數十釐米至無限遠的距離可能只須轉動對焦環不足45,在精確度上可能大打折扣,但現今的AF 鏡頭已非常準確了,或可彌補這種問題。故此,以微距鏡頭拍攝正常距離的景物,甚至人像是絕無問題的,f/2.5或f/2.8光圈或許不能盡用,因為常會有 四角失光的情況,這是難免的,但收一級光圈已能解決,相反,拍攝微距時,細的光圈容易造成繞射現象,因而f/8到f/11都會較為適合。但一些微距鏡用家 會知道,微距鏡解像非常高,照片看下去好象有點「硬蹦蹦」,但各人有各自的喜好,選擇眾多,隨閣下所好吧!


這 種說法不夠全面,客觀來說,其實兩者都一樣準確,但對只用單一種測光方式的人來說,相信某一種較為可靠是無可厚非的,因為兩種均有各 自的操作方式及量度 方法。但以反射式測光表來說,就稍比入射式麻煩,因為往往要考慮18%灰度的限制,而入射式可直接量度投在主體上的光度,直接獲得光圈值。可是,我們相機 上內置的均是反射式測光表,好處是勝在夠方便,因為不用每每走在主體面前測度,而且多是TTL(Throagh the lens),鏡頭的失光、濾鏡等曝光因素也直接包括在內,減低錯誤發生,比入射式容易及可靠。但主體及背景的色彩(如黑或白)都會造成測度錯誤,惟一方法 是作曝光補償,只要多練習,要獲得正確曝光並不是那麼艱難。而入射式本身已有比反射式優勝的地方,但使用上是較為麻煩,若不介意多帶一個測光表,這也沒有 問題,但千萬要緊記將鏡頭前的濾鏡等因素計算在內。還有,如 NikonF5已設有3D RGB的反射式測光表,這意味著反射式測光還有可跳出櫃框的地方,只要解決18%灰度的限制,根本不用懷疑其準確性。


每 逢到了雨季,拍友心情就最憂愁,因為心愛的器材隨時受潮報銷,有些人就瘋狂購買各類防潮用品,諸如吸濕器,抽濕機等。一旦下雨,就寧 願把相機鏡頭藏起, 變成濕度過敏狂,這樣子,整個夏天可能連一筒膠片也拍不完,可說是非常可悲。老實說,香港這裡的氣候,要待RH低過60%的日子可謂少之又少,何況是在雨 季。然而關上所有器材亦未必能完全防潮,很多人都會有經驗,放在密封盒裏的「陳年」鏡頭也會不知何解生了黴菌。其實要防止鏡頭髮霉,防的不是濕應是菌。要 制止鏡頭髮霉,首要是了解為何會發黴,潮濕和黑暗皆是黴菌的至愛,然而菌在空氣中四散,根本防不勝防,若在密封的防潮箱裏,一樣有黴菌,若加了防潮珠(一 般都會用silica gel),便能有一定的抽濕作用(但不是永久的,一當飽和便效力全失),市面有些可將水份吸進盒內的防潮器,雖然吸水效果好明顯,但筆者建議大家要小心, 應勤一點檢查是否已滿或破漏,更要避免放在過度高溫的地方,因為水份一樣有可能被蒸騰出來。所以,很多人寧願有空拿鏡頭出來把玩或者使用,見一見光已可大 大減少發黴的機會。而一般放在冷氣開放的房間,只要空氣流通,加上濕度低,鏡頭髮霉的機會已非常低了。若真的要把器材藏起一段頗長的時間,最好是在濕度低 的環境下,放進適量的防潮物料,以密封的箱盛載,記緊要把鏡頭清潔乾淨,以免細菌滋長。據說有些電子防潮器也有一定的作用,但價錢卻非常昂貴。


市 面有很多專為清潔鏡頭的器具甚至抹鏡藥水,究竟鏡頭應否經常需要抹拭的呢?一般拍友自然是疼愛自己的器材,看見鏡上沾了一粒塵已驚惶 不已,急著買東西來 清潔鏡頭。有一些人會用有掃的氣泵把塵粒掃走或吹走,甚至用抹鏡紙及藥水擦拭,但這是不太好的,除非鏡面上所沾的污漬如手指模較難清潔,否則不要貿然用東 西擦拭鏡頭表面,因為此舉可能會弄花鏡面,也可能令部份涂膜脫落,但現今的涂膜已相當穩固,然而此舉始終太危險了。 建議為鏡頭加裝一塊UV或IB skylight濾鏡作保護,就算弄污了也可隨意抹,甚至換一塊新的,怎也比弄花鏡頭的鏡片化算得多。若真的需要,購買鏡頭紙或鏡頭清潔劑時要小心,避免 使用有酒精成分的清潔劑,因為這等會令鏡頭有所損傷,用時不要將清潔劑滴在鏡面上,若流進鏡頭內或鏡片的邊緣,亦會弄壞鏡頭。因此,最好的方法是儘量避免 弄污兩端的鏡面,若沾了塵應用氣泵輕力吹走,若是沾了手指模或油漬可用高密度布料或已打磨的皮革抹拭。若是內部生了黴菌或有水氣凝結(如出入冷氣場所) 時,最好交回原廠保養中心代為處理。


人們常說 50mm焦距是標準鏡,又稱與人眼的視覺效果相近,常說用50mm拍的影像就最真最寫實。但若細心從觀景器望出去,與肉眼相 比,可能所見到的影像 大小又不是如此,會發現50mm鏡頭下的影像會比大腦所接收的更廣闊。若論視角(Angle of View),50mm鏡頭只有46o,然而人眼可有接近120o,但為何人眼看到的又總不夠50mm鏡頭廣闊呢?問題其實是出現在影像的平面大小上和鏡片 與人眼內的晶體之分別。 人眼所感光的地方是在視網膜(Retina)上,而感光細胞所聚集的地方也只限於一點,即黃點(yellow spot),感應色彩的錐形細胞(cone cells)比黑白視覺的棒形細胞(Rod cells)少和更集中。於是乎,您會發現看東西(如看書)的時候,只能習中看見中央部分,而其他圓周外的字未必能夠看清,但膠片就不同,只要鏡頭視角涵 蓋,而主體又是平面的話,整個平面都會清晰,因為膠片面(24X35mm)都有相等的感光藥物。另一方面,用50mm拍攝出來的影像,比例上與實物無分別 的,只要將影像放大至與實物原大小一樣放在眼前,與你在實物前看其實是一樣,但這並非只有 50mm鏡頭可以做到,80mm、100mm、180mm……都可做到。究竟50mm真在哪?或許從觀景器裏看比較接近人眼所見到的,但這要視乎主體的距 離,要記著:人眼看到是1:1的Life size,然而從觀景器看的是有縮細的效果。還有,50mm鏡頭的焦點或清晰平面分佈是與人眼有別,因此,說50mm與人眼接近似乎可能有點兒那個,但說 50mm鏡頭沒有嚴重變形和取景範圍適中是「真」的表現也還是可以的。


有 些拍友常常說某某20mm鏡頭很有透視感,又話某某300mm鏡頭很有壓迫感,說這些全都因為不同焦距有不同的透視感。事實上,透視 與焦距是沒有關係 的,而透視是指光線的收縮效果,如用廣角鏡從地下拍攝整座大廈時,建築物兩邊的線會向上收縮,而並不是平行的。一般來說,共有三個主要影響透視的因素:


假 若保持在同一位置、同一角度,與主體保持不變角度,但以不同焦距拍攝同一主體時,拍出來的照片將有不同的視場大小(Field of View),而主體也會有不同的放大率,用長些焦距的會有大一些的放大倍數;然而,透視是一點也不變的,不信可將多張用不同焦距拍攝的照片放大或縮小至同 一放大倍數來看,主體與背景之比例是非常相近的,即是說透視也相近。


透 視與鏡頭焦距無關,但同一支鏡頭與同一個焦距,若以不同的主體與相機距離拍攝,便會有不同的透視效果。或是,有多支不同焦距拍攝同一 主體時,為了拍到接 近相同大小的主體時,便更改拍攝的距離,結果20mm的會攝到更多的背景,而100mm會有接近人眼視覺的效果,而200mm又可能拍到背景與主體「壓 縮」或接近了的照片。


另一個影響透視的因素便是取景時的相機角度,若以廣 角鏡拍攝時,從低角度拍攝站立著的人像時,看起來便會是上身短、下身長,而從高角度 拍攝時,則會有相反 的效果。若以水準向著主體拍攝,這種透視的變形便不會出現。以後大家或不會再對以上各項攝影問題而存有誤解了,但攝影始終是非常變化多端的玩意,當中還有 很多事項是值得討論的,日後有機會的話,或會再與讀者分享。



HOWTO: Using Apache Reverse Proxy with Domino iNotes


目前運作中的Domino Server 位於防火牆內部, 為了使外部使用者可以連到iNotes, 目前是使用port forwarding將所有送往80 port 的資料轉到Domino Server, 這個作法很簡單, 但缺點是沒辦法將封包送往一台以上的伺服器, 如果DMZ中有其他需要使用80 portserver, 使用port forwarding 方式並不適合。為了解決這個問題, 有幾個方式:

1.         Domino Web Server上設定DSAPI, 轉送資料到其他 server, DominoDSAPI設定比較複雜且所需之程式庫不易編譯 , 所以不建議這個方式。

2.         架設獨立的Web Server, 使用 reverse proxy的功能, 將送往 Proxy Server的資料轉到指定的機器去, 這個做法彈性較好, 設定也較簡單 , 適合在大型系統中使用。



1.         下載並安裝好Apache HTTP Server 2.0 , 記得要安裝並載入(LoadModule)以下模組 :

LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy
LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/mod_proxy_ftp
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect

2.         httpd.conf中加入以下敘述 :

ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

備註: ProxyPassProxyPassReverse不能設定成"… /mail/", 因為iNotes中有些圖片不是放在 "/mail"之下, 所以在這邊是設定成 "/"



 l             Apache Module mod_proxy


Open Source JMS (Java Message Service) Implementations

  1. JMS4Spread - JMS4Spread is a messaging system that partially implements the Java Messaging Service (JMS) API. JMS4Spread utilizes the Spread toolkit, a high performance group communication and message bus system that is resilient to faults across external or internal networks. JMS4Spread implements messaging in a completely distributed fashion so that there is no central server that represents a single point of failure. Each Spread daemon maintains a replicated state of the currently active topics via Spread groups.
  2. mom4J - mom4j is fully JMS 1.1 compliant and designed to have a small memory footprint, easily embeddable, its own transactional message store to make it independant from a relational database and a language indepent wire protocol, so that clients can be written in any programming language.
  3. UberMQ - UberMQ is a clean room implementation of the Java Message Service specification. JMS is a part of the Java 2 Enterprise Edition. UberMQ states that it was written because many of the established JMS vendors have turned their back on the core tenets of distributed computing: fast and simple.
  4. MantaRay - MantaRay is a message queue transport layer (JMS provider) designed specifically for heterogeneous, distributed and high-traffic environments. Unlike traditional messaging systems, like busses or brokers, MantaRay provides a much higher level of robustness and faster performance, as well as rapid implementation time comparatively by eliminating the need of a broker and bringing all functionality to the edges. MantaRay eliminates the single point of congestion and single point of failure by using a peer-to-peer serverless architecture.
  5. Naradabrokering - The NaradaBrokering project at the Community Grids Lab is an open source project that researches fundamental issues pertaining to distributed middleware systems. These include, among others, issues of efficient routing, support for complex interactions, robustness, resilience, ordering, security and trust. NaradaBrokering aims to provide a unified messaging environment that integrates grid services, web services, peer-to-peer interactions and traditional middleware operations.
  6. OpenJMS - Supports both Point-to-Point and publish-subscribe messaging models, Guaranteed delivery of messages, synchronous and asynchronous message delivery, persistence using JDBC, Local transactions, message filtering using SQL92-like selectors, Applet support, integrates with Servlet containers, and support for RMI, TCP, HTTP and SSL protocol stacks.
  7. JORAM - New functionnalities include communication through a "local" optimised connection, no dependence on a single central JNDI server and a universal JMS bridge. Supports both Point-to-Point and Publish/Subscribe messaging models, backward compatibility with JMS 1.0.2b compliant applications, Local, TCP and SOAP (HTTP/XML) client-server communication protocols, message prioritization, a configurable dead message queue, load balancing through clustered topics, monitoring methods and a graphical administration and monitoring tool.
  8. JBossMQ - JBossMQ, which evolved from SpyderMQ, is the current production-ready JBoss JMS provider and it entered maintenance mode since the JBoss version 3.2.6. JTA XA integration used by JBoss's JMS Resource Adapter, pluggable Invocation Layers to support different transport mechanisms, including http, rmi, tcp/ip and in memory invocations, pluggable Security to support different security mechanisms, pluggable Persistence to support different persistence mechanisms and high Availability in a clustered environment. JBoss-4.x supports the JMS1.1 and JBoss-3.2.x supports the JMS1.0.2b.
  9. Somnifugi - Somnifugi is an implementation of JMS that works inside a single JVM to send JMS Messages between Threads. Somnifugi is particularly useful for isolating the awt Thread so that the user interface will stay lively, for decoupling calls to slower external resources such as database connections, and for speeding up implementations of generic JMS clients by placing decoupled JMS clients in the same JVM. Somnifugi is built on top of Doug Lea's concurrent utilities, especially Channels and LinkedQueues.
  10. ActiveMQ - ActiveMQ is an open source, Apache 2.0 licensed Message Broker and JMS 1.1 implementation which integrates seamlessly into Geronimo, light weight containers and any Java application. JMS 1.1 / J2EE 1.4 compliant, full support for JCA resource adaptors, upport for transient, persistent, transactional and XA messaging, supports in-VM, TCP, SSL, NIO, UDP, multicast, JGroups and JXTA transports, REST API, Streamlets to support web streaming support, in memory JMS provider, ideal for unit testing, JSR 77 / 88 support for easy deployment & management & hot deployment, rules based message routing via Drools
  11. Active JMS - The Active JMS open source project was offers a freely available, non-proprietary, open source ActiveX JMS client API. With it, you can access a large majority of the JMS functionality using Microsoft technologies.
  12. JFoxMQ - Supports a large number of connections with high-speed message throughput, providing an extremely high performance and scalable enterprise messaging solution. Guaranteed, once and only once, secure, reliable messaging. JMS 1.0.2 compliant with the Publish/Subscribe non-persistent model. (JMX)-based infrastructure, full XML support and JavaSpace based clustering.
  13. Open3 - Open3 EMS 2.1 natively supports XML, facilitating the enterprise in constructing a robust Web services architecture. Supports clustering for load balancing, permitting the messaging system to seamlessly scale to increased traffic. Multiple server support to effortlessly handle fail over, also provides an advanced security system through authentication, authorization, and encryption. Approprate for number 13, project is now defunct (let me know if you have the original sources).
  14. RM4GS - (Reliable Messaging for Grid Services) is an "open source" middleware which provides reliable messaging facilities for Web Services. RM4GS is implemented as a resource adapter defined in JCA (J2EE Connector Architecture) specification. It can work with EJB. Received messages can be handled by MDB (Message Driven Bean). Not JMS compliant.
  15. JBossMessaging - JBoss/Messaging is a re-implementation of JBossMQ. Fully compatible JMS1.1 implementation. Performance characteristics to exceed JBossMQ's. One of the project tasks is to build a benchmarking infrastructure that will allow tracking of the performance metrics evolution in time, between versions, as well as comparison with equivalent metrics of similar products. High availability features, such as distributed destinations, in-memory replication of the messages and transparent client fail over. Standard JMS API to JGroups. Serverless JMS design.



shell> mysql -u root
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('newpwd');




本文討論 Canon 鏡頭之標記方法:
例如 EF400mm f/4 DO IS USM
EF:為 Canon 放棄手動 FD 接環以後,新發展之接環,其電子接點可與機身傳遞對焦、光圈、快門等資料。
400mm:鏡頭之焦距,單一數字表示為定焦鏡,如有 28-70 等表示為變焦鏡 。
f/4:鏡頭之最大光圈,如為單一數字表示恆定光圈,如有 3.5-5.6 表示廣角端最大光圈 3.5,望遠端最大光圈5.6 。
DO:Diffractive Optical,為 canon 新發展之技術,其主要用在長焦段光圈鏡頭上,用以減輕重量及體積 。
IS:Image Stabilizer,用於當鏡頭震動時,鏡頭內之鏡片可以移動、矯正影像,而不至於因手振而得到模糊之影像 。
USM:Ultrasonic Motor,超音波馬達,可實踐安靜無聲之快速對焦,又可分成環形USM、內對焦式USM等多種 。
UD:Ultra-low Dispersion,超低色散鏡片 。
TS-E:又可分 Tilt 及 Shift 兩種,通常專門用來拍攝建築物,矯正其筒狀變形 。
Macro:微距鏡頭 。

AF-S Zoom Nikkor ED 17∼35mm F2.8D(IF)
AF Zoom Nikkor 24∼85mm F2.8∼4D(IF)
AF-S VR Zoom Nikkor ED 70∼200mm F2.8G(IF)
AF-S DX Zoom Nikkor ED 17∼55mmF2.8G(IF)
Ai Nikkor 35mm F1.4S
PC Micro Nikkor 85mm F2.8D
D : 代表鏡頭可回傳對焦距離資訊,作為 3D 矩陣測光的參考以及 TTL 閃燈距離的運算!!
S : 可支援自動測光相機的鏡頭!!
G : 為 NIKON F MOUNT 接環鏡頭,但無光圈環設計,光圈調整必須有機身來調整, 可支援的機身只有新世代的機身,F5 ; F100 ; F80 ; F65 ; F60 ; F55 ; D1 ; D1X ; D1H ; D100, 在F90X之前發表的自動機身(含F90X)只支援P MODE(程式自控)及S MODE(快門優先)!!
Macro : 是指這顆鏡頭是微距鏡,或有微距的功能!!
IF : 是內對焦,在對焦時,前後組鏡片都不移動,鏡長不變!!
AF-S : 有AF-S 的鏡頭,代表這支鏡頭是由Silent Wave Motor 對焦,俗稱超音波馬達, 不是由機身馬達對焦,優點是對焦速度快,可全時手動對焦,缺點是重量不輕,價格不低, 可支援AF-S 鏡頭自動對焦的相機有 F5 ; F4 ; F100 ; F90X ; F90 ; F80 ; F70 ; F65 ; D1 ; D1X ; D1H ; D100,其餘的機身可以接,也可以測光但不能自動對焦!!
ED : Extra-low Dispersion的縮寫,是指這支鏡頭內含 ED 鏡片,ED 鏡為超低色散鏡片, 使影像不會有色散的現象!!
VR : Vibration Reduction 的縮寫,為NIKON的防手震鏡頭的代號,可用於手持攝影在低速快門時,增加畫面的穩定性,不會因為手震而模糊掉,能支援VR的機身有 F5 ; F100 ;F80 ; F65 ; D1 ; D1X ; D1H ; D100,其餘機身可以使用鏡頭但不支援VR功能!!
DC : Defocus-image Control 的縮寫,可作影像主體的前景或後景的柔焦,在鏡頭上多一圈控制柔焦程度的轉環,是光學柔焦,非一般市售柔焦鏡片所能作出的效果!!
RF : Rear Focusing 的縮寫,為後對焦鏡頭,與IF不同的是RF鏡頭對焦時.後組鏡片會移
CRC : Close-Range Correction ,是用於廣角鏡的桶狀變型修正的結構!!
Aspherical Lens : 鏡頭上刻有Aspherical Lens.是該鏡頭有使用非球面鏡片!!
"s" 是AIS鏡頭-- 1987年後出產的Nikon手動鏡頭,最少光圈值是橙色的。主要是為了FA 及以後機種在P mode時分別鏡頭焦距用的。(Longer focal length, higher shutter speed)
DX : Nikon專門為自家D-SLR所設計的鏡頭,只能使用於D-SLR上,用於一般傳統相機會有"成像圈",DX鏡頭是為了解決DSLR 1.5倍視角,所衍生出的無廣角端鏡頭可用的解決方案.
PC : 表示這顆鏡頭是移軸鏡頭.

小白是 EF 70-200mm F2.8L
小小白是 EF 70-200mm F4L

就是EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS,多了防手震的功能.

EF 16-35mm F2.8L
EF 24-70mm F2.8L
EF70-200mm F2.8L IS

AF-S 17-35mm F2.8D ED
AF-S 28-70mm F2.8D ED
AF-S VR 70-200mm F2.8G ED

EF 17-40mm F4L
EF 28-70mm F2.8L ?(不確定)
EF 70-200mm F4L

AF 18-35mm F3.5-4.5D ED
AF 35-70mm F2.8D
AF 80-200mm F2.8D ED
Canon EF 100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS USM


   EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM是第一支L系列IS變焦鏡頭,覆蓋範圍從中長焦的100毫米到超長焦的400 毫米。它是1987年推出的EF 100-300mm f/5.6 L的後繼型號。這支鏡頭提供了眾多先進的功能和極高的特性,其中包括雙重模式影像穩定機構。新開發的光學系統達到了L鏡頭一貫的高畫質,作為大變焦比的鏡 頭也可以滿足惡劣環境的要求。


   採用螢石玻璃透鏡(第3片)與超級UD玻璃透鏡(第7片)結合的頂級色散矯正,完全被消除了降低望遠鏡頭成像品質的軸外色差,畫面解析度和反差很高,而 且在被攝體成像的邊緣沒有一點色散。 鏡頭的光學系統採用6組結構,其中5組是移動的,輕鬆地達到了100到400毫米的變焦範圍,這也是佳能EF 鏡頭中第一支100-400的變焦鏡頭。4倍的大變焦比是依靠每組透鏡分別移動實現的。變焦操作的移動距離約80 毫米,使用了與EF 35-350L一樣的推拉變焦方式。


  這支鏡頭採用了後對焦與浮動機構,以保證100到400毫米整 個變焦段,和1.8米(最大放大倍率在400毫米處為0.2倍)到無限遠的整個對焦範圍 內都有很高的成像品質。在對焦時,第4組和第6組分別移動,可以精確地補償對焦到中短距離時的像差波動。這是第一支裝備浮動機構的EF變焦鏡頭。

IS 影像穩定功能

   通過與光軸平行移動的補償光學系統(第二組)就可以進行影像穩定(手顫補償)操作。補償光學系統驅動與EF 75-300IS一樣,用兩個振動檢測陀螺測量手的振動。影像穩定器的效果相當於兩級快門速度。這支鏡頭還有允許追隨攝影的影像穩定模式2,可以輕鬆地追 蹤移動物體。




   在這支鏡頭手動對焦環的後面,還裝有能隨意設置變焦手感(變焦環摩擦力)的調節環。按順時針方向(向"TIGHT"方向)旋轉可以增加變焦環 的摩擦力,如果完全鎖緊,還能把焦距鎖定在某個特定值上。逆時針旋轉(向"SMOOTH"方向)可以放鬆變焦手感,方便地進行快速變焦。




   附帶的ET-83C圓柱形遮光罩內部採用植絨處理,提供了極佳的防眩光效果。除了遮擋有害光線,遮光罩還可以在一定程度上保護鏡頭前組不受雨、雪和塵土 的侵害。可拆卸的三腳架環堅固而且旋轉靈活(與EF35-350L 的一樣),是鏡頭的標準配置。鏡頭套是LZ1324──一種新型拉鏈皮套。

URL: Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM


ARTICAL - Changing firmware to Cisco IP Phone 7960

Cisco 7940/7960 IP phones can support either the Skinny Call Control Protocol (SCCP) to run with Cisco CallManager, the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP; refer to RFC2543), or the Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP), but not more than one simultaneously. This is possible because they load different firmware versions on bootup. This functionality is transparent to the end user, and you enable it through changes to the basic text-based configuration files that the phones download from a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server.


NEW STUFF - AutoStreamer, a slipstream tool

AutoPatcher's little brother, has finally gone final! At its current state, AutoStreamer works as a slipstreamer-only. Basically, all it really needs is a source (that being an original Windows CD or a local share) and a Service Pack file.



ARTICAL - Using Linux as a Wireless Access Point

The SMC2602W is a PCI card with a PCMCIA wireless card (based on the Prism2 chip) mounted on it. However, it doesn't use a PCMCIA interface, so any information or tutorials you have that tell you to load the pcmcia-cs drivers are wrong if you are using this card. After putting the card in you PC, you'll see something like the following from lspci -vv:
  00:0a.0 Network controller: Unknown device 1638:1100 (rev 02)
      Subsystem: Unknown device 1638:1100
      Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster- SpecCycle- MemWINV- -->
      <-- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B-
       Status: Cap- 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- -->
       <-- DEVSEL=medium >TAbort- SERR- 

If your intent is to use the card as an access point to your wired network, then all you have to do is

  1. compile the hostap_plx.o module. For me, this took a small modification to the Makefile (to tell it where to find the kernel source, something you may not need to change) and then make plx.
  2. After that, insmod hostap_plx.o loads the module and you have an interface to play set up for NAT and whatnot.
  3. Now, set up your dhcp daemon. On debian, you've got to set /etc/init.d/dhcp to point to the right interface. Also, modify your /etc/dhcp.conf to serve up IPs on your wireless network (say, 10.x.x.x).
  4. After starting dhcpd, make sure that your laptop (Windows, Mac, or whatever) gets an IP address when you are in range.
  5. You still won't be able to get out to your wired network from your laptop, though, so you need to set up NAT. The simple way to do this is iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE (where eth0 is your interface to your wired network.
  6. That's It! You probably want to look at the Linux IP masquerading HOWTO for information on securing your network.


NEW STUFF - Rainlender, a customizable calendar


Rainlendar is a customizable calendar that displays the current month. It is a very lightweight application that doesn't use much system resources or take much space on your desktop.

The manual for Rainlendar can be found from here.


  • Small and lightweight
  • Different type events can have different appearence
  • Supports Windows transparency
  • Synchronizes events between several clients
  • Localized for multiple languages
  • Shows an alarm when an event is due
  • Supports iCal files.
  • Shows Outlook's appointments
  • Includes a todo-list
  • Works also as Litestep plugin
  • Displays the current date in tray icon
  • Can stick to the desktop (i.e. doesn't hide with Show Desktop)
  • Hotkeys for quick access
  • Easy skinning with an UI
  • Can be controlled from 3rd party applications with !bangs
  • and more...
  • URL: http://www.ipi.fi/~rainy/index.php?pn=projects&project=rainlendar


    NEW STUFF - GAG, a boot manager program


    Current version: 4.5d

    GAG (initials, in spanish, of Graphical Boot Manager) is a Boot Manager program. It's loaded when the computer is turned on and allows you to choose the operating system you want to use.

    Its main features are:

    • Allows boot of up to 9 different operating systems.
    • It can boot operating systems installed in primary and extended partitions on any available hard disk.
    • Can be installed from nearly all operating systems.
    • GAG doesn't need its own partition. It installs itself in the first track of the hard disk, wich is reserved for these kinds of programs. It can also be instaled on a floppy disk, without using the hard disk.
    • It has a timer to boot a default operating system (selectable by the user).
    • The configuration menu can be protected with a password.
    • The program works in graphic mode (needs a VGA or better graphic card), and has a lot of icons.
    • Hides the primary partitions which allows the user to have instaled more than one DOS and/or Windows in the same hard disk.
    • Allows a password to be put on each operating system, denying access to non-authorized people.
    • Allows the boot manager text to be translated to all languages.
    • Can exchange disk drives, allowing to boot from the second, third... hard disk operating systems such as MS-DOS.
    • Has the SafeBoot system, that allows to boot your hard disk even if GAG is accidentally overwrited.
    • Supports a great variety of keyboards (QWERTY, AZERTY, QWERTZ and DVORAK keyboards).
    • Fully support for hard disks up to 4 terabytes (4096 gigabytes).
    • Full version and free software (distributed under GPL licence, with source code)

    URL: http://gag.sourceforge.net/

    NEW STUFF - Gujin, a boot loader can analyze your filesystem


    Gujin is a PC boot loader which can analyze your filesystems. It finds the Linux kernel images available, as well as other bootable partitions (for *BSD, MS-DOS, Windows, etc.) and files (*.kgz), and displays a graphical menu for selecting which system to boot. Because it understands the structure of Linux kernel images, Gujin does not need LILO nor GRUB and can even load very big kernels. There is no need to execute anything after making a new kernel: just copy the kernel image file into the "/boot" directory. Gujin is written almost entirely in C with GCC, and it fully executes in real mode to be as compatible as possible.

    URL: http://gujin.sourceforge.net/

    NEW STUFF - LTSP: Linux Terminal Server Project


    LTSP is an add-on package for Linux that allows you to connect lots of low-powered thin client terminals to a Linux server. Applications typically run on the server, and accept input and display their output on the thin client display.

    URL: http://www.ltsp.org/

    NEW STUFF - Netstation


    Netstation is a Linux distribution that enables you to convert standard PCs into full-featured diskless thin clients supporting all major connectivity protocols. It can be booted from the network using Etherboot/PXE or from standard media like floppy/CD/hd/flash-disk etc. The configuration is centralized to simplify terminal management.

    URL: http://netstation.sourceforge.net/

    STYLE - deviantart


    STYLE - StudioTwentyEight

     Welcome to StudioTwentyEight. Here you'll find all my work; Visual Styles, WindowBlinds skins, Winamp skins, Yz Dock backgrounds, Yz Toolbar themes, Wallpapers and some icon sets that I converted from MacOSX or Linux to Windows XP. In addition to that you'll find a section where you can see all the design that I have done for StudioTwentyEight and other work that I made in the past.

    NEW STUFF - Pebble: Blogging tools written in Java


    Pebble weblog is the popular server-side blogging tool written in Java. It's small, fast and feature-rich with an unrivalled ease of use. Blog content is stored as XML files on disk and served up dynamically, so there's no need to install a database. All maintenance and administration can be performed through your web browser, making Pebble ideal for anybody who is constantly on the move or doesn't have direct access to their host. Read more...

    URL: http://pebble.sourceforge.net/

    NEW STUFF - bmail: a command line SMTP mailer for batch jobs


    Bmail is a free but lean command line SMTP mail sender. Don't get fooled into playing $$$ for huge executables. Bmail allows the user to automate the sending of email messages containing log files, data downloads or error messages on Win32 based computers. Together with the freeware utility mpack, you can also send MIME encoded attachments.

    NEW STUFF - PXES: a micro linux distribution for thin client


    PXES is a micro Linux distribution for thin clients that converts any suitable machine into a versatile thin client within minutes. It can access XDM servers presenting a graphical login screen, Microsoft Terminal Servers, Citrix ICA, and VNC servers, LTSP, or a local X session with simple desktop and window manager. A graphical configuration tool allows parameters such as the server to be set. Local devices can be accessed, including sound, printers, and disks. It boots on a variety of hardware, and does not require NFS. It can be used over low bandwidth WAN and VPN connections, and can also be booted from local media like hard disk and CD-ROMs where network boot cannot be used.

    URL: http://pxes.sourceforge.net/

    NEW STUFF - BIOS Writer


    BIOS Writer allows you to copy the settings of your PC's BIOS to a small image file. You can then mess with the BIOS and later restore the previous working settings. One use would be to pull two settings files from a remote machine's BIOS -- one with network booting enabled, and one with hard disk booting enabled. You can then use BIOS Writer to tell the machine to boot off the network or its hard drive by restoring the appropriate settings file.

    URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bioswriter/

    NEW STUFF - Sisela


    Sisela is a small, self-contained system designed to wake up in any PC and turn it into a highly capable piece of networking equipment. It can act as a bridge, router, firewall, DHCP server, DNS server, wireless access point or any combination of these functions.

    It can boot and run from a single floppy disk, or a CD-ROM. It is based on Linux and supports a wide variety of network and wireless hardware, including ISA, PCI, PCMCIA, CardBus and USB devices. With the exception of some ISA cards, all these should be detected and identified automatically.

    Additional features include:

    • SSH access for secure remote administration
    • RIP, BGP and OSPF routing
    • PIM-SM multicast routing
    • AODV routing for ad-hoc networks
    • GRE and IPIP tunneling

    The current version requires manual configuration through a command line interface. A more user friendly system is in development for the next version, which will allow web administration and extended facilities for automatic setup.

    Support for other boot methods, such as USB storage devices and PXE network booting, is also planned.


    NEW STUFF - Linbox Rescue Server

    The Linbox Rescue Server (LRS) is a tool to centralize hard disk images (like Ghost Enterprise Server), file backups, hardware inventory, Windows PCs software inventory, and remote access on a single server. It can be managed from any PC through a Web-based administration interface, and disk images can be restored using PXE boot and Multicast TFTP, or using a bootable CD or DVD. It supports Ext2/3, ReiserFS, XFS, JFS.

    URL: http://lrs.linbox.org/wiki/WikiStartEn

    NEW STUFF - JFM - Java File Manager

    JFM is an Windows Commander, Krusader, MC, Norton Comander, etc. clone, but written entirely in Java. It has no native parts, and is intended to remain that way. You can use the same file manager in every OS that you run, not having to get used to a new file manager when you boot a new OS.

    URL: http://jfm.sourceforge.net/


    連阿嬤都會: 優美字型專輯 - 如何使用 Windows 中的新細明體


    提供團體:香港 Linux 用家協會

    如何在 Linux 上弄好享用多媒架構或使字型顯示得美麗無比,想到將會學得心法多少也應有點興奮了吧!前者只需要細心與及知道少少的原理,後者需要的確實是一些比較深入的技術。要決定下筆寫那前者或後者,內心亦掙紥了一陣子。想極不想讀者要應付這些無關使用便利的課題。幸好得到編輯先生的意見作下得了決定,在這裡要要向各位致歉,因為這篇會是系列中最深的一篇,亦由於種種的理由無法為讀者預先製做必要我軟件,最後要說明這裡說的只是當作一般學術上的探討而矣。


    好樣的 - Bluetooth-TW - bluetooth台灣資訊網

    URL: http://www.bluetooth-tw.idv.tw/index.php
